Friday, March 5, 2010

Difficult Decisions

It's been almost I month...I miss thee. There's just been so much going on with me. Also been faced with some very difficult decisions to make. I'll start with some updates. School has been going very well. For the first semester in a while I feel no stress whatsoever. Feels great. Every semester should be like this.

A friend of mine invited me to attend an interest meeting for her organization Phi Chi Theta. It's the premier business co-ed fraternity in the business school. I went and loved the people I met. It was great to meet such diverse and unique individuals. I decided to go through the process. Glad to say I was selected and inducted into PCT! Something about meeting new people gets me excited. There's a retreat this weekend at a house by the lake side somewhere "undisclosed." I happen to know where it is but guess since I'm not supposed to know I won't "disclose." This is a great segway into something I would like to discuss. I had quite a difficult decision to make. PCT retreat happens to fall that same day as vacation bible for DayBreak. An organization I volunteer for. I was really torn as to where I should go. It felt like I would be choosing one over the other. It seemed like a case of choose what's more important to you. Both being equally as important at the moment isn't making the decision any easier. I think I've made a decision but I'm really not sure if it's what I want or the "right" decision. In essence life is exactly like this. At some point in time we'll all be faced with decisions we don't want to make but my hope is that God will be there to walk me through my difficult situations.

I'm not sure if you feel this way but I honestly feel certain conversations with people were meant to happen at particular times. As if it was predestined. Weird statement, I know. But I thoroughly believe it. I had a conversation this past week with someone I know but we've never really spoke for a long period of time. Let's just say I never thought a conversation could be as inspiring as this one was. I know I'm glazing over the details but I got a lot out of it and it felt great to know I unknowingly had an impact on someone's life. Lesson learned: take time out to talk to people who normally would not, you may never know what God has in store for you that day :D


Whatsis said...

nice lesson learned...

btw, if you believe in God so much, then you should trust Him to help you make certain "difficult" decisions you might be faced with.

also, good your semester is going well. mine is something else entirely!

Tayo said...

I hope your semester ends on a good note.

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