Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Acts of the Apostles"

I can't count the amount of times I've said I will read the entire Bible in a year. Usually start off relatively well, come January ending....epic fail. That is exactly why reading the Bible in a year wasn't part of my resolution this year. I did make a strong effort to read the entire book of Acts for the month of March. By the grace of God....success!

Today concluded my readings. The book of Acts was so inspiring, stimulating, and encouraging all at once. Each passage depicts the "acts of the apostles" through the power of the Holy Spirit after Jesus commanded them to "be [his] witness to Jerusalem, and all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:7) They were following JC's instructions to preach the gospel to all nations. Acts primary focuses on the ministry of Peter and Paul. At that time the teaching that Jesus Christ is the only way in order for us to be saved was such a RADICAL concept to grasp during those times. As Peter declared in Acts 4:12 "Salvation is found in on one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men in which we must be saved." The Jews back them believed in the obedience of the laws of Moses simply as a gateway to heaven. As a result many Jews rejected the teachings of the apostles and plotted numerous times to silence these workers of Christ.

Dude, these people went through so much persecution from beatings, stonings, jail time, even DEATH, and still came up on top because of Christ. I contemplate how I would have reacted if faced with such trials. Not too sure. Good thing I wasn't born then. My point is as brother Paul said at some point "I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus" (Acts 21:13), we need to step it up for Christ. He literally gave HIS life in order to give US eternal life. It such a beautiful thing. To think that we continue to nail him back to that very cross through our actions daily is simply sad.

I'm so grateful for the gift of salvation given to me and the fact that I'm fully aware of Christ's love for me. And I pray that I will be able to be as bold and persevering as these disciples for the sake of Christ. As Easter approaches it's so important to keep in mind what exactly we are celebrating - the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Present Family Affairs...Future Issues

How many times have you said to yourself, "I'm never going to be like my parents." "I'm never going to raise my kids the way I was brought up." "I'll never this or that...."

So the other day I happened to have an argument with my father...the issue, not important. But the following day I woke up and felt very disappointed in the way I handled the situation. Weird. I'm so stubborn to the core and usually think I'm always right. So I was quite taken aback by my remorseful state. Anyways I said God please forgive me and teach me to be a better person not only to outsiders but to those closest to me. A couple hours later I opened this book I haven't read in a while to continue from where I left off and boy was I in for a shock. Let's just say God's timing could not have been more perfect.

The author speaks on how everyone has "them" in our lives. The only requirement for "them" is familiarity. So "them" could be family, pretty much those people who really know how to get under your skin. We are model citizens to everyone else but to "them" we become monstrous beings. I'm thinking...WORD. But why should we behave that? I know I say I'm going to be more loving and affectionate towards my future partner/family but the truth is I don't even do it now. Don't get me wrong I LOVE, I just have a very difficult time expressing that love. My current family relationships should be a training ground for my future relationships. We should "train to model Christ with "them" so we can be really good at it when we get married.

Yes, our family will embarrass us or hurt us in some way but we need to learn to loyally stand by "them." Forgiveness is key. Imagine if God walked out on us every time we embarrass Him! For me that would have been walking out on me over a million times! But no He stuck by me. Amazing! - "We love Him because He first loved us." - 1 John 4:19

I moved back home this semester but I'll be moving out again in a few months for work. I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to being on my own once again. But honestly now I'm really looking forward to these next few months I have with my family...to work on mending our relationship, and spending quality time with each other. I want to be the best daughter/sister to my current family, so I can be the best wife/mother to my future family. Emulating Christ in every aspect of our lives is what God requires from us.

Ephesians 4:32
And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Difficult Decisions

It's been almost I month...I miss thee. There's just been so much going on with me. Also been faced with some very difficult decisions to make. I'll start with some updates. School has been going very well. For the first semester in a while I feel no stress whatsoever. Feels great. Every semester should be like this.

A friend of mine invited me to attend an interest meeting for her organization Phi Chi Theta. It's the premier business co-ed fraternity in the business school. I went and loved the people I met. It was great to meet such diverse and unique individuals. I decided to go through the process. Glad to say I was selected and inducted into PCT! Something about meeting new people gets me excited. There's a retreat this weekend at a house by the lake side somewhere "undisclosed." I happen to know where it is but guess since I'm not supposed to know I won't "disclose." This is a great segway into something I would like to discuss. I had quite a difficult decision to make. PCT retreat happens to fall that same day as vacation bible for DayBreak. An organization I volunteer for. I was really torn as to where I should go. It felt like I would be choosing one over the other. It seemed like a case of choose what's more important to you. Both being equally as important at the moment isn't making the decision any easier. I think I've made a decision but I'm really not sure if it's what I want or the "right" decision. In essence life is exactly like this. At some point in time we'll all be faced with decisions we don't want to make but my hope is that God will be there to walk me through my difficult situations.

I'm not sure if you feel this way but I honestly feel certain conversations with people were meant to happen at particular times. As if it was predestined. Weird statement, I know. But I thoroughly believe it. I had a conversation this past week with someone I know but we've never really spoke for a long period of time. Let's just say I never thought a conversation could be as inspiring as this one was. I know I'm glazing over the details but I got a lot out of it and it felt great to know I unknowingly had an impact on someone's life. Lesson learned: take time out to talk to people who normally would not, you may never know what God has in store for you that day :D

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